The will of Rachel is known from a responsa of the famed Sevillian rabbi Yom Tom Asevili, the Ritva. Rachel seems to have no children, but it is unclear if she is a widow or has never been married. In the will, she establishes a private pious…
The will of Vidale is known from a responsa of the famed Sevillian rabbi Yom Tom Asevili, the Ritva. She names two executors, her husband Moses son of Galipapa, and her brother, Solomon ibn Albnad. Among the charges given to her executors is to…
Gratia testates while pregnant, and her will follows immediately on the heels of a document in which her father "emancipates" her. The child with whom Gratia is currently pregnant is named her universal heir. It seems that, should the child not…
Gemma's mother Brunetta's will (Poggibonsi, 1473) is also part of this collection. A good deal about this family and this will's larger context is known. See Borgolotto and Garruto, "Testamenti femminili toscani," 69-72. Gemma's husband came from a…
Dolce made her will in her home in Siena, which also functioned as the bank run by her current (second) husband, Jacob di Consiglio da Toscanella. Her husband was present at the testation, and gave his permission for her to make the will.
Brunetta lived in the Elsa river valley (Valdelsa) in a town called Poggibonsi. She had two sons, Elia and Daniele with her husband Salomone. Daniele seems to have died before Brunetta testated. (She also had two daughters, Rosa and Gemma, who did…
The widow Gaudiosa, sick in bed (as the boilerplate from Sicily has it), names her two sons Xibitella and Busacca as her universal heirs. She bequeaths clothing and textiles to her grandson Merdocay.
Disiata names as her universal heirs her brother Xibitello de Galiono and her nephew Busacca, the son of Siminto de Galiono (another brother). She leaves other bequests to her neice Rachila, her daughter Gaudiosa, and her sister Stella. She also…
Cassena's husband Gracianus de Vita is still alive when she testates. Her first concern is her burial, which is to be at the Jewish cemetery in Trapani. The choice to address burial first seems to be the preference of the notary Cirami, who also…
Stera, who had been widowed and then remarried to a still-living husband at the time of testation, first ordered that she be buried in the Jewish cemetery of Trapani. The concern with burial, and the choice to place it first, seems to be a preference…
Bullara, a widow, records her will when she is sick.
She names her grandson Sadiolus Sieli her universal heir. She leaves bed-related goods to her granddaughter Luna. She also leaves other female loved ones clothing and textile goods.
The widow Channuna, like most Jewish women represented in this collection, testated while sick. As the common boilerplate from Sicily has it, she testated while lying in bed.
Channuna leaves her grandson Magalufus the house in which he is living,…