The widow Gaudiosa, sick in bed (as the boilerplate from Sicily has it), names her two sons Xibitella and Busacca as her universal heirs. She bequeaths clothing and textiles to her grandson Merdocay.
This will is part of the so-called "Girona Geniza," which is a collection of Hebrew documents which were preserved because they were reused as book bindings. Baladre's will was part of the binding of a notarial register belonging to the notary…
Palomba, testating while in the house of another widow, leaves her meager possessions to the confraternity known as the Compagnia di Ghemilut Hasadim, which, among other activities, cared for the ill, as it seems to have cared for Palomba. (See also…
TRANSCRIPTION:Regina uxor Bondia Coras Iudei condam, licet sim infirma etc., meum facio et condo testamentum de bonis meis, ordinando etc. [deleted: in quo constituo]. In primis iubeo corpus meum sepeliri.Et iubeo dari Iuceff Choen C solidos, quos ei…
The dying widow Fiore leaves her meager possessions to the girl who cared for her, and whose father's house Fiore is currently in. The will is recorded by a Jewish notary, either Leone (father) or Isach (son) Piattelli, in Hebrew.