DETAILED DESCRIPTION FROM THE PRINCETON GENIZA PROJECT: Deathbed will of a rich woman, made during the absence of her husband. Location: Fustat. Dated: Wednesday, 26 Iyyar 1454 Seleucid, which is 13 April 1143 CE, under the reshut of Shemuel b.…
Stella di Spoleto is married, but does not seem to have children. She dictates her will to the Jewish rabbi/notary Grandilio di Porto, who records it in Italian. In the will, she leaves 1 scudo to the confraternity known as the Compagnia of Ghemilut…
This is the will of the famed Jewish businesswoman known as "Wuhsha the Broker" (Wuhsha al-Dallala), whose given name was Karima. Although it is not dated, the informal document was written in the hand of the cantor and court clerk Hillel ben Eli,…