Jamila, widow of Mosse Salerno: Zaragoza, 1401

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Jamila, widow of Mosse Salerno: Zaragoza, 1401


Jamila, widow of Mosse Salerno


Jamila and her late husband had four sons. Three of them remained Jewish (Juce, Acach, and Azmel), while one (Solomon-cum-Salvador) chose baptism and became Christian. In her will, Jamila left all four sons the amount stipulated for all legitimate sons -- 20 sueldos.

Beyond that, she gave the Christian son (Solomon/Salvador) 380 sueldos, which he needed to get from repayment of debts that were owed to his mother. She then divided her remaining assets among the three Jewish children. As Blasco Martínez points out (see "Mujeres judías," 85), we do not know the total value of the estate, so we cannot know exactly how much Salvador received in comparison to his brothers. But we can likely guess that the estate left the Jewish brothers considerably more than the converted brother. Moreover, it is notable that Salvador's lump sum had to be recovered from his mother's debtors.

Other documentary evidence suggests that Jamila died sometime before 14 January 1403.

Dia quinta decima madii.

Eadem die, que yo, dona Jaymlla [sic], muler de Mose Salero, jodia de Çaragoça, stando en mi buen seso, etc., lexo a Salamon Salero, fillio mio et agora Salvador de [blank] et a Juce Salero, Açach Salero, et Azmel Salero, a cada uno dellos XX sueldos por part et por legitima. Item lexo de gracia special al dito Salvador CCC et LXXX solidos, los quales sian sacados de aquellas cartas que a mi son devidas en la moreria de Çaragoça. Item los otros bienes lexo a Juce Salero, Açach Salero et Azmel Solero, que partan por yguales partes, así mobles como sedientes. 

Testimonios: Johan Vidal et rabi Abraham de Salins

[Transcribed in Asunción Blasco Martínez, “Mujeres judías,” 108]


Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain


15 May 1401


Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Zaragoza
AHPZ, not. Domingo Martín de Aguilón, 1401, fol. 49v
See: Asunción Blasco Martínez, “Mujeres judías..."
See: Asunción Blasco Martínez, “Testamentos de mujeres..."






Rena Lauer