TRANSCRIPTION: FF. In nomine domini amen. Notum sit et cetera annodomini Millesimo CCClxxxxviiii die vii mensis
Novembris circa terciam. Notum sit et cetera quod
cum nil sit certius morte quamvis eius
hora sit dubia et inserta idcirco
ego Sterella…
TRANSCRIPTION:Regina uxor Bondia Coras Iudei condam, licet sim infirma etc., meum facio et condo testamentum de bonis meis, ordinando etc. [deleted: in quo constituo]. In primis iubeo corpus meum sepeliri.Et iubeo dari Iuceff Choen C solidos, quos ei…
Among the fascinating clauses in this will is an attempt by Astruga to prevent her husband, Jucef, from remarrying -- or at least to disincentivize a second marriage. She first leaves to her mother, Fava, 600 Barcelonan sous. But then, she…
TRANSCRIPTION: XI kalendas DecembrisGentill uxor Iacob Abrahe Choen Iudei, licet etc., meum facio et condo testamentum de bonis meis, ordinando etc.
In quo testamento constituo manumissorem meum et executorem huius mee ultime voluntatis dictum…
The widow Reina distributed 2,720 sous in her will. She gave 500 sous to marry off poor Jewish girls, and orders money to be invested to finance a Torah for the synagogue. She leaves money to family and friends, most notably 1000 sous to a female…
Jamila and her late husband had four sons. Three of them remained Jewish (Juce, Acach, and Azmel), while one (Solomon-cum-Salvador) chose baptism and became Christian. In her will, Jamila left all four sons the amount stipulated for all legitimate…
Palomba, testating while in the house of another widow, leaves her meager possessions to the confraternity known as the Compagnia di Ghemilut Hasadim, which, among other activities, cared for the ill, as it seems to have cared for Palomba. (See also…
Perna, identified as elderly ("zeqena"), bequeaths her dowry funds mostly to relatives. She leaves 3 scudi to one David di Hannania di Sabatello, for him to say the mourner's prayer (kaddish) for her, noting quite cheekily that he should only receive…